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Want to solve tricky world problems and deliver value, fast?
We can help. Here’s the recipe.
Red Badger created a unique platform that uses food to bring generations together. And we did it in just 8 days, thanks to smart, speedy experimentation.
Illustration of two hands and a mixing bowl

Build. Test. Learn. (Really fast).

The idea:

day workshop

potential ideas

sizzling concept

The build:

days to build the working platform

Badgers in a cross-functional team

users helping us test every detail

Badger power

A cross-functional team of Badgers built, validated and evolved a one-of-a-kind, impactful platform. At the end of Day 8, it was ready to scale. Phew.

We did it by putting our users first, learning at lightning pace, and harnessing the power of teamwork.

Illustration of a smiling fork Illustration of a smiling knife

Real impact

Our ambition is to bring over 1,000 people together across 30 countries through their love of cooking. Through the ShareThyme platform, we'll provide older people with 1,500 hours of time spent cooking with a new friend, time that might have been spent alone.
Profile image of teacher Deni


Life is about learning, as far as I’m concerned. You can’t stop learning.
Profile image of student Alex


ShareThyme as a concept is fantastic. It’s done exactly what I wanted, which was to connect with somebody on a very personal level. I think it has a softness and a way of connecting people by personality in a way that I haven’t seen in any other online platform!

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