Integration of Lean UX and Design into all areas of product delivery
New homepage designed and built in just 7 weeks
Reader engagement increased by 30%
A new design increasing reader engagement by 30%
The Financial Times knew that online news was changing fast, and their subscription model meant they had to deliver something above and beyond the news and services available for free. The next generation of was already underway, and now they needed a partner who could help envisage it and bring it to life.
In the initial phase of our engagement, we redesigned and deployed a new home page in just seven weeks. This involved integrating React and GraphQL into the FT’s already cutting-edge tech stack. Demonstrating not only an improved approach to delivery but adding value through introducing new technology.
The Financial Times is at the cutting edge of product development, which puts a Lean UCD process at the heart of everything it does. We have been pivotal in implementing these processes, integrating Lean UX and Agile Design into all areas of product delivery across the organisation.

Working with Red Badger has allowed the FT to see the future of our .com publishing model in a new light. Helping the FT to get the best out of our own great people, with a fresh approach to delivery and the way in which we collaborate across all disciplines has been central in building lasting change.
We solve complicated problems in complex places
Red Badger is the product transformation consultancy for blue chips. Our product design capabilities and technical pedigree build high-performance digital platforms that get you closer to your customers and embed new ways of working. Your journey to an agile, innovative digital product organisation starts today.