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The power of NATS: Modernising communications on a global scale

In this video, Derek Collison, CEO of Synadia (and creator of NATS.io) and Stuart Harris, Red Badger’s Chief Scientist explain how NATS can help large organisations deliver technology and services across the globe and solve some of the challenges of working with microservice applications in the process.

NATS (1)

The power of NATS: Modernising communications on a global scale

The cost of delivering value to customers is exorbitant (and slow) because of the complexity of microservice applications. Coupled with cloud infrastructure and fragmented networks across systems and locations, blue chips and other large enterprises are struggling to provide exceptional digital experiences when customers need them.

Something is missing - and that missing piece is connectivity.

To execute on a global scale and get value to customers as quickly as possible, the way applications communicate must be reimagined.


Derek Collison - CEO, Synadia
Blue chip companies are facing the challenge of they've been convinced to put everything in the cloud, and now they need to be multi-cloud and multi-Geo and their consumers are driving them to deliver the technology and the experiences to them. Businesses need to figure out how to deliver their technology to where the consumers at.

Stuart Harris - Chief Scientist, Red Badger
All of our clients are large blue chip organisations and they all face the same problem basically, which is how quickly can they get value in the hands of their customers. And the cost of delivering value to their customers is exceedingly high because modern microservices applications, for instance, are incredibly complicated. And there's a lot of extraneous work and nonfunctional almost, work that has to be done in order to support the microservices. And actually, the amount of time that we get to spend on delivering real value is much smaller than it could be.

Derek Collison - CEO, Synadia
Synadia is a company that's trying to modernise communications for companies that are trying to deliver on a global scale. Synadia’s mission is to really drive connectivity. The innovation within companies today is being driven by multiple pieces being connected multiple pieces, being able to communicate and collaborate in different ways and we believe that it's going to function as a utility, a utility that’s based off of NATS the technology but delivered as a service, a service that not only you can plug into any cloud any Geo, but it's also extensible meaning you can actually extend it on your own without permission from anyone including us.

Stuart Harris - Chief Scientist, Red Badger
Red Badger is a digital consultancy in London that works with large organisations to help digital product transformation journeys. Which involves helping them build products and helping them to be able to move quickly and get value to customers as quickly as possible. Help them with their platform which supports the product, their developer experience their continuous delivery and their path to production and with capabilities which is all about transferring knowledge and helping our clients upskill

NATS comes in here because NATS is a substrate, a platform, a tabletop, a surface effectively, on which we can build these applications. So it means that we can have truly multi-cloud multi-location multi-geography clusters that can support our applications. And so then those services can run anywhere.

Derek Collison - CEO, Synadia
So wherever a company needs technology to be able to connect and communicate, NATS can fit the bill. And I think that's where the biggest opportunity for NATS and Synadia is is: how can we keep moving the technology closer and closer to where the data is at where the requesters are at for microservices? And NATS can do multiple interactions. It can do microservices, request, reply, and it can do streaming, coupled with the fact that NATS can run anywhere and everywhere. That's the power.

Form3 utilises NATs in very low latency situations for Faster Payments. And what's interesting about NATS is that as fast as you can get the request in it'll turn it around and send it back meaning Form3 can get single digit millisecond response times across all of their deployments. And that's super important for their customers.

So why would someone consider NATS? A couple of reasons one is, is that it's 10 year old technology, it's proven. And so the fact that NATS is open source it's a proven technology, ability to cross clouds across Geos and again, extending to the edge is the most important.

The future is going to be very lightweight applications that can operate in zero-trust constructs and can move anywhere. I think companies need to consider how are they going to deliver their experiences and their technologies and the services at a global scale to meet customers where they're at. And I think NATS can help with that.

Stuart Harris - Chief Scientist, Red Badger
You can start using NATS straightaway because it's really easy to get going with and it's a really easy replacement for some more complex configurations. To WebAssembly is positioning itself really well. It's amazing for building modern cloud native applications, provided the capabilities are in the platform and joined all together with Nats. So now it becomes really easy to build lightweight and microservice applications that can span the globe. That can run anywhere. That’s a massive reason why NATS can really really help.

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