British Council - Logo

Revolutionising Exam Delivery for British Council and Candidates Worldwide

Working with Red Badger has allowed the British Council to progress significantly as an organisation, with Pulse improving exam delivery rates, decreasing response times, and improving user engagement.

The British Council, a global organisation providing cultural relations and educational opportunities worldwide, faced a daunting challenge in 2020.

With a workforce of over 10,000 employees in more than 100 countries, the organisation needed to adapt to the rapidly changing world and embrace new technologies and ways of working to remain relevant and effective. To tackle this challenge, the British Council

partnered with Red Badger to deliver a new exam platform called "Pulse" that would streamline the exam delivery process, provide real-time insights, and transform the way the British Council delivers exams to candidates worldwide.


Non-Profit Organisation

Over 21,000 employees

£1.8BN Turnover

Inefficient and time-consuming communications process

Complex exam delivery process

Limited accessibility for candidates

Lack of real-time insights

The Problem

Before the development of Pulse, the British Council's previous method of manual analytics and communications via spreadsheets, emails, and WhatsApp made the exam delivery process inefficient, inaccurate and time-consuming.

Our Approach

Red Badger partnered with the British Council to develop Pulse, an innovative exam delivery platform that streamlined delivery processes by providing real-time insights for exam providers, clients, and students.

Pulse is a fully customizable, program-agnostic platform that takes in complex data and presents it in an easy to consume, robust dashboard, adding significant value for clients, exam providers and students alike. The platform has addressed the pain points of all clients and allows them to build, set up, deliver and analyse their exam delivery across multiple organisations, countries, languages, and venue types.


 Conducted extensive research to identify user needs and pain points

Developed a robust and scalable platform with a standardised reporting process for exam delivery

Built a real-time analytics dashboard for clients to monitor exam delivery and gain user behaviour insights

Created a fully customisable platform resulting in improved communication and collaboration with the team and clients
British Council Pulse Platform Red Badger

The Results


Pulse has helped the British Council demonstrate their expertise and value to clients more effectively than before.

The new platform has improved the way exams are delivered, making it more secure and efficient regardless of location or size.

Pulse has enhanced exam delivery rates, reduced response times, and increased user engagement.

Candidates in previously inaccessible locations now have the opportunity to take exams, potentially changing lives.

Working with Red Badger has allowed the British Council to make significant progress as an organisation.

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