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Artificial Intelligence

At Red Badger, we're not just observers of the AI revolution; we're integral to it. By blending strategic insight with advanced technologies, we provide blue-chip organisations and enterprise companies with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence solutions that power innovation, efficiency, and sustainable growth.

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Enterprise Transformation Through AI

In an era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence serves as the linchpin for enterprise success. From AI innovation to challenges in AI, it's a transformative force that blue-chip companies can't afford to ignore.

Responsible AI and ethical AI are not just trends but imperatives for sustainable growth and responsible AI for sustainable growth. Generative AI is revolutionising product development, while green engineering and sustainable enterprise software development are contributing to sustainability.  

At Red Badger, we're committed to leading the charge in these transformative technologies, striving to help companies unlock new opportunities by leveraging AI to understand customer needs, predict trends, and deliver highly personalised experiences.

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Elevating Customer Experience with AI

In the customer-centric world we all live in, large brands are starting to adopt AI for customer service and customer innovation which are becoming real game-changers. Conversational AI and conversation intelligence are redefining customer interactions. AI in emerging tech and AI for customer experience are setting new standards, making customer experience more personalised and efficient. Red Badger is at the forefront of utilising AI to enhance customer experiences.

Our recent "Artificial Intelligence for Customer Innovation" event delved deep into the role of AI in transforming customer experience (CX). Leveraging AI's potential for CX, we aid in the creation of smarter customer service platforms, intuitive interfaces, and efficient digital touchpoints, all driven by real-time customer data.

In the realm of Consumer-Driven Product Development, we use AI to decode consumer behaviour patterns, preferences, and needs, which in turn informs product strategy. Our AI-powered data analytics tools allow companies to validate hypotheses, iterate faster, and deliver products that resonate deeply with consumers.


AI Innovation: Pathways to Sustainable Growth

with Dr Chris Brauer

Elevating Customer Experience with AI

The integration of AI into digital products is a strategic move. Cognitive computing and AI automation are integral to digital product development. Responsible artificial intelligence ensures ethical computing. AI in sales and AI in digital products are shaping the future, delivering a seamless user experience. Red Badger is dedicated to integrating these advanced technologies into our digital solutions.

When it comes to AI in Enterprise, we help organisations leverage machine learning and deep learning technologies to automate complex processes, optimise operations, and drive strategic decision-making. Our solutions cater to a wide range of sectors, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, and are designed to ensure maximum ROI.

We firmly believe in the power of AI for Sustainability, using its predictive capabilities to support energy efficiency, responsible resource management, and sustainable business practices. By harnessing AI, we are committed to helping businesses not only enhance their profitability, but also contribute positively to the environment and society.

Explore more about how Red Badger is leading the AI revolution, delivering transformative solutions that drive growth, innovation, and sustainability. We're not just creating technology for today's needs, but shaping the digital landscape of tomorrow.

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Enhancing Nando's loyalty programme: the UK's first digital rewards scheme

A cross-functional team designed and built a UK first mobile NFC loyalty card and fundamentally changed the way customers engage with the brand across physical and digital channels.

Our latest thinking

Cogo: Combining AI, Green Engineering & Finance for a Sustainable ...

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, sustainability and carbon management have become a high priority. As the finance industry grapples with the challenges of climate ...

The Future of Product Management? The blend of AI and Human ...

The Rise of AI: More Than Just a Trend At a recent Red Badger event, we were excited to be joined by leading AI expert Jonty Angel, who was invited as was invited as a keynote ...

How AI, Rust, and WebAssembly Are Shaping the Future of Coding

AI in Coding: A Double-Edged Sword At a recent Red Badger event, our very own Chief Scientist Stu Harris got us thinking about how AI is revolutionising the way we code. It’s like ...

AI and Financial Services: Digital Innovation with Red Badger & Split

In an industry where the stakes are high and the challenges complex, the collaboration between Red Badger and Split Software offers a compelling solution for enterprises in ...

AI: Better code for Better Digital Experience

Our upcoming event to be held at Red Badger HQ on 20th September will explore how AI plays a crucial role in product development and enhancing user experience. Join us and our ...

How is Generative AI Transforming Product Development in Blue Chips?

What is Generative AI? Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that leverages machine learning techniques to generate new data instances. It's like an artist who, ...

Can Generative AI and Green Engineering Boost Loyalty in Blue Chips?

The Rise of Customer Centricity In the modern business landscape, customer centricity has become more than just a buzzword; it's a strategic imperative. Companies are increasingly ...

Green Engineering by Design: The Future of Sustainability in Tech

Understanding Green Engineering by Design Green Engineering by Design is an approach that integrates environmental considerations into the design of products and processes. It ...

AI for Customer Experience - Event Follow up

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, and Red Badger is at the forefront of this revolution. We are empowering blue-chip and enterprise firms ...

Responsible AI: The Key to Sustainable Growth?

The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised many industries, from healthcare to finance, transportation to entertainment. As AI continues to evolve, one ...

Ethical AI: Reflections on Responsible AI, Sustainability, & ...

My name is Dr. Chris Brauer, and as a strategy officer for the World Economic Forum, I've had the opportunity to explore and navigate the complexities of artificial intelligence ...

Brewing the Future: How Generative AI is Changing Beer Production

In this talk, recorded at our recent 'AI for Customer Innovation' Event held at The Ivy in London, Hew shares his experiences of using AI to revolutionise the brewing industry, ...

AI in Digital Products - Our Tech and Product Directors discuss...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become buzzwords in the tech industry, but what do they mean in the context of digital products? How are they being ...

Responsible AI: Pathways to Sustainable Growth with Dr Chris Brauer

Discover the world of responsible artificial intelligence (AI) with Dr. Chris Brauer, a leading expert in the field and strategy officer at the World Economic Forum, who we were ...

Red Badger Partners with Dr. Chris Brauer and SYMMETRY for Enterprise ...

[LONDON, UK] - Red Badger, a leading digital consultancy renowned for its expertise in product design and engineering, is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with Dr. ...

Navigating Challenges in AI Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a present reality that's reshaping the landscape of digital product development. As AI continues to evolve, it ...

Transforming Customer Experience: The Role of Responsible AI

The digital age is constantly evolving and businesses have to keep up with the speed to meet the demands of the modern consumer. Here is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps ...

The Changing Nature Of Cloud Native Ledgers In The Finance World

The financial industry is witnessing a significant change as it embraces technological innovations to boost operational efficacy, enhance security, and improve customer ...

Bridging Innovation and Customer Experience: The Power of AI

As the technological landscape evolves, so does the world of customer experience. More than ever, businesses are seeking innovative ways to engage customers, meet their needs, and ...

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