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Navigating Challenges in AI Development

Written by Red Badger Team | Jun 24, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a present reality that's reshaping the landscape of digital product development. As AI continues to evolve, it brings with it a host of opportunities, but also a set of unique challenges. In a recent discussion, Viktor Charypar, Tech Director, and Claire Murray, Product Director at Red Badger, shed light on these challenges and how to navigate them.

AI has the potential to revolutionise digital products, offering capabilities that were once the stuff of science fiction. However, as Claire Murray points out, "We set customer expectations for something that we know will not be repeatable and reliable the same every time." This unpredictability is one of the inherent challenges of AI. But it's also an opportunity to embrace the future of AI, busting myths and negativity around AI adoption for the benefit of customer experience.

Data Privacy

One of the most significant concerns when it comes to AI is data privacy. AI systems often require vast amounts of data to function effectively. This data can include sensitive information about individuals or businesses, which must be handled with the utmost care to maintain privacy and comply with regulations.

As Dr Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation in the Institute of Management Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, has previously noted, "Data is the lifeblood of AI. But with great data comes great responsibility."

Companies must ensure that they have robust data management practices in place. This includes secure data storage, privacy-compliant data handling, and clear policies on data usage. It's not just about meeting legal requirements; it's about building trust with customers who are increasingly aware of and concerned about their data privacy.

Bias in AI Algorithms

Another challenge is the potential for bias in AI algorithms. AI systems learn from the data they are trained on. If this data contains biases, the AI system can inadvertently perpetuate these biases, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.


As Viktor Charypar explains, "AI systems are like calculators for text. They try to mimic the most natural follow-on to what's already been said. But if the input data contains biases, the output will too."

Bias mitigation is a crucial aspect of AI implementation. This involves using techniques to detect and mitigate bias in AI algorithms, ensuring that the AI system's outputs are fair and unbiased. It's a complex task that requires a deep understanding of both the AI system and the data it's trained on.

Explainability of AI Decisions

AI systems can make decisions or predictions that are difficult to understand, even for experts. This lack of explainability can be a significant barrier to trust and acceptance of AI. If users don't understand how an AI system is making decisions, they may be reluctant to rely on it.

Huw Leith, VP Marketing at Grip, has previously highlighted the importance of transparency in AI systems. "If you can't explain how your AI system is making decisions, you're going to have a hard time convincing people to trust it," he says.

Tools and techniques are being developed to make AI decisions more transparent and understandable. These include methods for visualising the inner workings of AI algorithms and techniques for explaining AI decisions in understandable terms. However, these are still areas of active research, and there is much work to be done.

Busting Myths and Embracing Opportunities

Despite these challenges, AI presents a significant opportunity for enterprise brands to embrace the future. It's about seeing AI not as a threat, but as a tool that can enhance customer centricity and help humans do what they do best.


As Claire Murray emphasises, "AI is there to augment your value proposition. It's not your value proposition."

The key is to approach AI with a clear understanding of its capabilities and limitations, and to use it in a way that aligns with your brand's values and goals. This means focusing on the customer, ensuring that AI is used to enhance the customer experience, and not just for the sake of technology.

Navigating the AI Landscape with Red Badger

At Red Badger, we understand the challenges of implementing AI in digital products. We work closely with our clients to navigate these challenges, using our expertise in AI and digital product development to deliver solutions that are robust, fair, and transparent.

As Viktor Charypar advises, "Start on the left. Assume that you don't need any specialism and see how far you get." This practical, customer-focused approach is at the heart of our work. We believe that AI is a powerful tool that can enhance digital products, but it must be used responsibly and ethically.

In the changing world of AI, challenges are inevitable. But with a clear understanding of these challenges and a commitment to navigating them responsibly, companies can harness the power of AI to create digital products that are innovative, effective, and trusted by users. By busting the myths around AI and embracing its opportunities, enterprise brands can position themselves at the forefront of the digital future.



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Is it time to embrace AI in your next digital product?  

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, Red Badger is at the forefront of leveraging artificial intelligence to drive enterprise transformation, elevate customer experience, and innovate in digital products. From navigating the challenges in AI to implementing responsible and ethical AI practices for sustainable growth, we're committed to leading the charge.

Our expertise extends to utilising generative AI in product development, green engineering for sustainability, and sustainable enterprise software development. We're also pioneering in enhancing customer interactions through AI for customer service, conversational AI, and conversation intelligence. Discover how cognitive computing and AI automation are integral to our digital solutions, and explore the role of AI in emerging tech.

For a deeper dive, read our articles on AI Innovation, Customer Experience, Customer Innovation, Responsible AI, Ethical AI, Challenges in AI, Sustainable Growth, Responsible AI for Sustainable Growth, Generative AI, Digital Products, AI for Customer Experience, Green Engineering, and Sustainable Enterprise Software Development.